
Bluestacks is the most mainstream of all Android emulators. There are several reasons for that. For starters, it’s compatible with Windows and Mac. It was also one of the first that worked really well that still gets regular updates. The emulator targets mobile gamers. There is a stigma with Bluestacks because it can feel a little bloated at times. Bluestacks 4 (launched in 2018) aimed to fix that with mixed results. It also includes key-mapping and settings for many games installed. That should help make things much easier. It’s one of the heaviest emulators on the list. However, it also has the most features for better or for worse. Bluestacks also made the MSI App Player, another excellent emulator that some believe works better than vanilla Bluestacks. You can try either one, they are both by Bluestacks.

Download Bluestack Ofline Installer

Online Install 32/64 Bit
Online Install 32/64 Bit
Ofline Installer

  • Softwere Full Name:BlueStacks-Installer.exe
  • Compatibility Architecture 32bit(x86), 64bit(x64)
  • Full Setup Size 538,516mb
  • Devloper Bluestacks
32bit ofline installer

64bit ofline installer